...from a poem by my husband

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Our garden is a thing of beauty - and so much pleasure. We got a truck load of horse compost from a friend last week - Nataw and I driving out, loading up the friend's truck, driving back, shoveling it all out, driving the truck back, driving our car home - and have added it to all our plants, vegies, trees, bushes, and flowers alike. We 3 work outside for a couple hours every day - right after breakfast, and then in the evening - and an afternoon siesta or meditation has become the standard in this house.

Our chicken hen has been sitting on the 24 guinea eggs and 4 chicken eggs for what seems forever (3 and a half weeks) and the babes are due this weekend. We are so excited. And, now that those silly guinea hens have seen what they should be doing, one of them (sometimes joined by a friend) has taken to sitting on another nest in the chook house. They are a source of constant amusement.

Mothers Day on Sunday - Ian and Nataw (Shem was away) made me a special brunch - and she brought me an arrangement of flowers from the garden in the evening. I keep saying "oh, thank you God, thank you, thank you, thank you" for these amazing and wonderful stepchildren of mine. Not only are they just such a delight, but they love me too - and as a bonus, we get to spend time with them all - Nataw living at home with us at the moment, and the boys being so close by.

Now that school is over, I'm out of work. Ro-roh.

So I had this great idea. You know I used to do a lot of computer training? So I'm putting together flyers, ads, website to get the word out that I am just the person you need to come into your home and hold your hand and teach you - at your own pace and on your own computer - how to use the damn thing. I'm aiming more at older people. I know there are free courses in libraries - but you get what you pay for. I think this thing of mine has great potential. I'm going to go and talk with people in retirement homes too. And the name of this operation? "The Last Coach" (you'll ever need). "Coach" is an in word. People have personal coaches, and exercise coaches and who knows what else. I don't expect this to be full time, but to fill in even when I'm doing adjunct work.

I had great reports from my students at Meredith - one wrote that I was "awesome" - another, that she had learned SO much. I so enjoyed having them.

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